Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22).

Posted on Sauti Ya Mnyonge  by  Malkiory Matiya
           I would like to continue discussing religion but today, connect it to a very touchy subject, homosexuality. I know that both subjects individually can bring about a lot of emotion so I would like to clarify, my intentions are not to approve or disapprove of homosexuality or discuss most religions stance on the issue. I would simply like to illuminate what it is the 'Christian stance'.
           Standing outside of the HUB in early fall I was surprised to see a group of people rallied around the front debating the topic of homosexuality. Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals on one side, and Christians, bible in hand, on another. I recognized easily that in the heat of the argument neither side was really listening nor addressing the other. I heard then from the ‘Pro-gays’ side, something that I have heard previously. The man said that Christians were hypocrites, and while he recognized homosexuality is a sin, he said it was no different from any other. He claims, Christians sin every day, and asks, what makes them so different? Well to some extent this is true, Christians do sin every day, and no sin is greater than another but there is a crucial piece that we are neglecting to address. A sin is forgiven when you profess to God that you have done wrong, apologize for this wrong-doing, and implore that you will try your best to not do this again, and, most importantly, actually do so.

        Well, there is a difference between sinning and living a lifestyle of sin. Sure, if you slip up and say a cuss word you can be forgiven, but you cannot live as a stripper your entire life, apologize before your death and expect acceptance into heaven. Homosexuality works the same way. The bible clearly and specifically forebodes it. While being a homosexual may not be a choice, you do however have the choice of whether or not to indulge in the temptation. In my opinion, if you don’t believe in God, I can understand, to some degree, why you would indulge in same-sex relations. I am only attempting to question those that would categorize themselves as gay 'Christians.' How can you directly disobey God but expect to enter his kingdom?

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